Find a Trade Installation Partner

Rose Collection sash windows are manufactured by Roseview Windows in Olney, Buckinghamshire. We don’t install windows, and – as a trade manufacturer – we don’t deal directly with homeowners. Instead, our windows are installed by independent window companies across the UK.

Most window installation companies can offer the Rose Collection, and the popularity of our sash windows means that there’s already likely to be one local to you.

We also have a network of independent Rose Collection Approved Installers, covering most of the UK. Although not part of Roseview, these are companies that we know and who have experience in offering and installing Rose Collection sash windows.

If you’re looking for a company to install Rose Collection sash windows in your home, simply fill out this quick form and we will pass your details on to your closest approved Rose Collection installer, so they can get in touch to discuss your project.

Alternatively, scroll down to learn more about our Approved Installer programme.

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